How do you use a tampon? How do they go in? How do they come out?
Tampons are meant to be inserted into the opening of your vagina. The substances inside will help keep it smooth but just relax. Watch this video if you need a tutorial or even get a friend to explain it to you in their own words.
Watch this video for a great explanation!
"Tampons come in different “sizes” (absorbencies), like light, regular, and super. It’s best to use the lowest or lightest absorbency that lasts you a few hours. Some tampons come with applicators — small sticks made of cardboard or plastic that help you put the tampon in your vagina. And some tampons don’t have an applicator, so you just put them in with your finger.
- Wash your hands and get into a comfortable position. You can squat, put one leg up, or sit on the toilet with your knees apart.
- Push the tampon into your vagina using the applicator or your finger, depending on what kind of tampon you have.
- Inserting a tampon in your vagina is more comfortable if you’re relaxed. Using tampons with smooth, rounded applicators may make it easier. You can also put a little bit of lubricant on the tip of the tampon or applicator. If you’re having trouble, ask someone you trust (like your mom, sister, or another person you trust who has used tampons) to show you how to put the tampon into your vagina.
- Throw the wrapper and applicator in the trash — don’t flush them.
- It’s best to change your tampon every 4-8 hours. Don’t leave your tampon in for more than 8 hours. You can wear a tampon overnight, but put it in right before bed and change it as soon as you get up in the morning.
- Tampons have a string at one end that hangs out of your vagina. You take the tampon out by gently pulling the string. It’s easier to take your tampon out when it’s wet from absorbing the max amount of period flow it can.
- Wrap used tampons in toilet paper and throw them away in the trash — don’t flush them.