What are the implications of menstruators not being able to actualize their education because of a lack of menstrual sanitation products?
Basically, a lack of products means menstruators are forced to create make-shift versions of products that can have serious health side effects. This can lead to embarassment and in some cases missing school or going as far as dropping out.
The implications stem from menstruators being prevented from learning at the same level as their non-menstruating counterparts. In many cases, lack of access to menstrual hygiene products is the leading cause of absenteeism around the world, especially in developing nations. Menstruators will be embarassed, ridiculed, or nervous to go to school on their period - all of which could lead them to dropping out or missing significant class time.
When essential items become unaffordable or unavailable, menstruators use unsafe alternatives including dirty rags, toilet paper, or leaves, which put them at risk of toxic shock syndrome and infection. Those who have a lack of access to menstrual products could end up living in period poverty, defined as: the lack of access to sanitary products, menstrual hygiene education, toilets, hand washing facilities, and, or, waste management.