We love getting to hear your unapologetic period stories!
Today, we’re bringing you 3 short stories that exemplify period power and DIGNITY.
Story #1: How A Harry Styles Poster Influenced Me To Be Period Positive, by Tori (she/her)

“Hi! I saw your TikTok videos about period stigma and how security tried to take the poster at the Harry Styles concert [watch here] and I wanted to share my story.
I’m a senior at a high school in West Virginia. I’ve never been a student to talk back to teachers and/or get in trouble (I’ve gotten detention once in my whole life and it was for being late to school).
One day, however, I was standing beside my best friend's locker as she was getting a tampon out of her book-bag for me because I had none. A group of teachers were standing near us when one of them made the comment: “she doesn’t need an escort to class” – I even turned my head because I didn't realize she was talking to us.
My 1st period teacher looked at her and said, “oh they are fine they are in my class”. I responded back to the other teacher and said, “she’s just giving me a tampon” and the teacher said back, “wow I can not believe you just announced that to the hallway”.
To which I replied: “I don’t really care if people know I’m on my period”.
The teacher responded with “wooowww you need to have some more modesty for yourself”.
At this point I just walked away.”
That was really amazing that you stood up for yourself and the fellow menstruators who were likely overhearing this interaction throughout the hallway.
Way to go Tori! Never shy away from talking out loud about tampons and pads!
Story #2: When A Ski School Student Gets Their First Period on the Mountain, by Max (he/him)

“Hey August, even though I myself don’t get a period, thanks to your inclusivity on Instagram I felt like I knew what to do when one of my ski school students got their period for the first time on the mountain.
Here’s the short story:
It was just before lunch and we had spent our morning skiing (obviously), when one of the students in my class asked me to go to the washroom.
Of course I said yes, and proceeded to take the class to the closest washroom on the mountain.
After a few minutes I began to wonder if everything was alright so I asked another one of the students to go into the washroom and check on her. She came out and told me that she had gotten her first ever period and that she didn't know what to do.
Luckily for us, we were right next to the building where all of the ski classes eat lunch. I called the support staff who were inside of the lunch building and told them that we needed someone (aka another menstruator since I am not one) to go into the washroom and help her out, as well as bringing some period care products.
They went into the bathroom right away and after a few more minutes they both came out of the washroom with smiles on their faces and the day continued on as normal.”
From all of us at Team August – thank you for making a potentially nerve-wracking situation so totally normal.
That’s the way to approach a first period – stay calm, don’t make the person feel ashamed, and find a quick solution!
Next step would be to encourage them to learn more about periods – the #AskAugust database is a perfect place to start!
Story #3: Why TikTok Content is Essential to Breaking Period Stigma, by Aimee L. (she/her)

“I just wanted to stop by and tell you how much I love these products.
I’ve been going through a lot of health issues and I’ve been on my period or spotting most days since about April or May. The products I was using were causing some irritation because I had to be using something all the time for months. I was starting to feel like I was losing my mind and like it wasn’t going to get better. I had been following the CEO of August on TikTok for a while and just thought I had nothing left to lose – I might as well try these products and see how it goes.
Previously, when I used tampons it would hurt and be uncomfortable. I don’t feel that when using August. I also don’t even need super or super+ because I find them to be more absorbent. Pads haven’t caused any irritation when I use them and even liners hold a lot for the days I’m spotting but then my period decides to do a sneak attack and get heavy again.
I’m still dealing with my period being irregular but at least the products I’m using aren’t making it worse at this point. I know you all get a lot of comments on TikTok about how periods are disgusting and stop sharing your content but for someone who's been living this way for months – it just makes me feel normal and less alone so please don’t stop sharing content just because of the people that think something natural is gross.
Hopefully my doctors can figure out what's going on but I know that while they work on it August has me covered.
I love this company – from the products to the customer service [email us at care@itsaugust.co] to the ease of ordering and quick shipping.
Seriously, thank you so much.”
Here for you Aimee – and anyone else looking to switch to period care that actually works + makes you feel dignified in your menstrual experience.
Looking to continue the conversation about period shame and how to break down stigma?
Join our virtual community HERE!
- It’s almost exclusively virtual (although as August expands, we host more and more meet-ups across the country)
- It’s VERY international: 60+ countries and counting!
- And it offers exclusive access to August period care updates (ahem…new merch SOON) and to events with our Medical Board of doctors, other brands, and sometimes even a celebrity guest or 2.