Can my period change because of the food I eat?
Food and periods go hand-in-hand. The food you eat on your period won't change the texture of your blood, but it might change the poop! Instead of reaching for processed foods & sweets, try for a serving of a starchy carb like sweet potato with cinnamon instead! Eating lots of pizza & candy will just make one’s hormones even more imbalanced! It's okay to have cravings, just try to eat healthy foods that still match those cravings - for example, berries!
Yes. Our diet directly impacts our period. Eating an anti-inflammatory and blood sugar balancing diet will ensure balanced hormones and regular periods. Some research suggests that changes in the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause cravings for foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars before a period. Eating regularly, and items that are nutritious helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, which may keep moods steady. Some research also suggests an association between binge eating and menstrual issues, such as irregular periods or an absence of periods.